61 - 75 of 267 items
News on tap
Asian Coalition for Housing Rights
Research supervisor's report : Ghana participatory poverty assessment.
A brief report on the activities of the first phase of the Ghana Participatory Poverty Assessment which includes a section on methodological issues regarding the use of PRA in the study and in particular, its applicability in an urban context.
Learning from life : get together.
This document reports on how a participatory approach was used at a meeting of various groups to start the Learning for Life Project; a partnership between ODEC and members of the West Indian Day Centre.
One of the participatory tools used of particular interest was the construction by both older and younger members of a timeline of their experiences of racism in Oxford which acted as a starting point to explore key issues and concerns. The report includes an action plan drawn up by the group as a result of the discussions and activities.
Participatory impact assessment : Calcutta slum improvement project (February - May 1997). Vol. 1 : main findings report
Main findings of a participatory impact assessment in which people's own perceptions and indicators of change are compared with conventional monitoring indicators. The report also includes information on the impact of the project on the lives of women and children and raises issues of sustainability, equity and degree of participation in activities and outcomes.
Urban Poverty Office
They cry 'respect! : urban violence and poverty in Jamaica.
Centre for Population, Community and Social Change
Proceedings of the consultative meeting on participatory research in urban Asia.
Asian Coalition for Housing Rights
Participatory concept mapping to understand perceptions of urban malnutrition.
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This article describes how mapping of local peoples perceptions of child malnutrition was used to improve the quality of focus group discussions. Time was taken at the beginning of the study to understand all the words related to malnutrition and ensure that all members of the group had the same definition, since in the urban setting there was no one single language which all members shared.