Asian Coalition for Housing Rights [ACHR]

Housing by people in Asia: newsletter of the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights

This issue of the newsletter of the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights focuses on how poor people deal with eviction. It contains articles from all over Asia providing examples of how people have responded to eviction or threat of eviction. The articles look at the causes of eviction and ways to prevent it. It has special sections focussing especially on the situation in from India, Philippines, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Pakistan, Cambodia, South Africa, Japan, and Zimbabwe.

Community funds

This newsletter is a special issue on trying to bridge the gap between donors' resources and their effective use in targeting the poor, through the use of community development funds. Community development funds function like banks, but can work more flexibly and at different levels. Several case studies are presented from countries in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and southern Africa, and a number of tips and advantages in setting up a community development fund are outlined.