Influencing the Process of Development and Implementation of the Five Year GOU/UNICEF Country Health Plan (1995-2000): Towards a More Sensitive Approach. The Example of a Community Capacity Building Process in Uganda (A Joint UNICEG-MOH-UCBHCA Initiative)
Use of PRA in Programme Reviews and Evaluations
Listening to the poor people's voices : experiences from Sub-Saharan Africa
In the past, poverty alleviation programmes have been implemented with limited involvement of poor people in determining the mode of intervention. PRA has been used in recent times to highlight the poor peoples' own perspective of poverty. This paper presents some of the experiences in sub-Saharan Africa.
Participatory evaluation? yeah that's fine, but we want a conventional report : a case study of the perils of designing and implementing a participatory evaluation.
Guidelines for participatory community planning.
This document provides guidelines to be used as a reference for the implementation process of a proposed Nutrition and Early Childhood Development Project in Uganda.
PRA is suggested as a key strategy to be used in the community planning and relevant techniques and training methods which can be used at each stage in the process are described. The guidelines also considrer the process of community mobilisation.
Training manual based on introductory course for medical students, Mbarara University of Science and Technology : community and particpatory research in PHC / CBHC module
Working with the University Medical School in participatory learning and action: the case of partnership between Uganda Community Based Health Care Association (UCBHCA) and Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST).
Mbarara University of science and technology community based health care programme : picking the pieces.
This article traces the history and progress of the Community Based Health Care Programme initiated by the Mbarara University Faculty of Medicine in 1992. In the article students reflect on their experiences of the programme and reveal how their attitudes towards PRA and working with communities changed over time as a result.