Norton, Andy

A rough guide to PPAs: Participatory Poverty Assessment: an introduction to theory and practice

The aim of PPAs is to improve the effectiveness of public action for poverty reduction by including the views, priorities and perspectives of poor people in the analysis of what should be done. This guide is designed to help answer some key questions related to the development of a PPA: how to assess whether a PPA will be useful; how to decide where a PPA should be located institutionally; how to build the initial partnerships; how to design the process; how to enhance quality in the fieldwork and analysis: how to ensure influence on policy.

PPAs VPPs: una guía general a las VPPs, Valoraciones Participativas de la Probreza; una introducción a la teoría y la práctica

El objetivo de VPPs (Valoraciones Participativas de la Pobreza) es mejorar la eficacia de la acción pública para la reducción de la pobreza incluyendo las opiniones, las prioridades y las perspectivas de la gente pobre en el análisis de acción.

What's behind the budget? Politics, rights and accountability in the budget process

Understanding the allocation of public resources through national and local budgets has become an increasing focus of development. This has been driven by two principal trends. Donor agencies, on the one hand, are seeking to deliver growing proportions of their financial assistance to partner countries through mainstream government systems - while, at a different level, a vibrant civil society movement has developed which seeks to promote goals of citizen empowerment, gender equity and poverty reduction through the potentials offered by the budget process.

Consolidated report on poverty assessment in Ghana using qualitative and participatory research methods.

This is a draft report of the first phase of research carried out for the Ghana Participatroy Poverty Assessment (PPA). The report begins by stating the design and objectives of the research carried out. The principle conclusions made from the first phase of field work are then documented and their policy implications outlined.
Annexes to the report include field site reports for Maamobi, Sombo and Derma and also the trainers' report from the initial workshop held for the PPA facilitators.

Zambia participatory poverty assessment : synthesis report

A report prepared as part of the Zambia Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA).
This document reports on the findings and methodology used to investigate the following issues in rural Zambia:
- local perceptions of poverty, vulnerability and relative well-being
- what the poor themselves see as the most effective actions for poverty reduction which can be taken by i) individuals or families ii) communities iii)government agencies iv) other institutions