Zambia participatory poverty assessment : synthesis report

Publication year: 

A report prepared as part of the Zambia Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA).
This document reports on the findings and methodology used to investigate the following issues in rural Zambia:
- local perceptions of poverty, vulnerability and relative well-being
- what the poor themselves see as the most effective actions for poverty reduction which can be taken by i) individuals or families ii) communities iii)government agencies iv) other institutions
- the main concerns and problems in poor rural people's lives at present and how these have changed over the last 5-10 years
Finally, the report summarises the most significant policy related findings of the PPA.

Source publication information
Report No. 12985-ZA
Vol. 5 of a 5 volume publication.
xvi, 162 p.
World Bank
Available at IDS for reference
[Washington, D.C.]
Publisher reference: 
World Bank

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D : Poverty 2098
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00