Practical guide: people centred community development
This is a course guide which consists of five workshops of 3 days each learning about community development in a participatory way.
This is a course guide which consists of five workshops of 3 days each learning about community development in a participatory way.
A key activitiy in promoting sustainable development is a revitalised rural investment strategy. This would include intensified production to meet growing demands while concurrently ensuring conservation of natural resources and promotion of sustainable land management. Important componants in this stategy include development of indicatiors and procedures for monitoring impacts of projects, programmes and policies on the productivity and quality of land resources.
This article is drawn from examination of a number of training manuals and papers which consider or use ranking methods in PRA. The original use of ranking methods in PRA has become replaced by an increasing reliance upon ranks for decision making. This change in emphasis requires practitioners to be aware of the limitations of ranking so that justifiable decisions can be made. The authors remind readers of how to rank and give guidelines on interpreting ranks.
This resource kit for trainers has been prepared to help develop facilitators for watershed programes enabling farmers to own and implement their own watershed management plans. Key aspects covered include, facilitating farmers to analyse their current situations, visualise a better future and the steps needed to get there and develop simple yet meaningful indicators to evaluate and monitor their progress along the way.