Human development report, Shinyanga Region, Tanzania: a synopsis.
In collaboration with Shinyanga Regional government, UNDP is funding a pilot project on decentralised poverty eradication initiatives, as part of its programme support for Tanzania (1997 - 2002). This document reports on a participatory poverty assessment (PPA) carried out in eight villages in phase I of the project. The PPA went one stage further than earlier PPAs in sub-Sahara Africa in that it sought not only to enrich poverty profiles with local understanding but also to build in as a central component, action-oriented research and planning.
Tracking change together.
Introductory article for special issue of PLA notes resulting from an international workshop on participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM & E). Provides a comprehensive overview of PM & E, recent developments in its practice and emerging issues.
The woollen souls of Chiapas
Planification participative en milieu pastoral : quelques expériences récentes.
Farmer participatory crop improvement. I : varietal selection and breeding methods and their impact on biodiversity.
Participatory poverty assessment : Shinyanga Region, Tanzania.
Metodos cualitativos para la evaluacion de programas : un manual para programas de salud, planificacion familiar y servicios sociales.
Documentando, evaluando y aprendiendo de nuestros proyectos de desarollo : manual de sistematización.
Participatory research into HIV/AIDS knowledge, risk perception and sexual behaviour among immigrants and sex workers in Malaysia.
This document comprises of a plan for participatory research work to explore the isssues of HIV with immigrants and sexual health workers. Methods to be used include daily listing, focus group discussions and life histories. The paper includes a section explaining why these methods have been chosen rather than questionnaires.