556 - 570 of 1885 items
New Horizons: the economic, social and environmental impacts of participatory watershed management
This paper summarises the findings of a two-year research project, which provided detailed case studies of the processes and impacts of 22 participatory watershed development projects, and discusses implications for the future of watershed development and policy. It argues that for soil and water conservation to be successful and sustained, project must see farmers as the solution rather than the problem and so put local knowledge and skills at the core of porgrammes.
International Institute for Environment and Development
Gender, Environment and Livelihood Security: an alternative viewpoint from India
Institute of Development Studies
Conservation through community use of plant resources : establishing collaborative management at Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks, Uganda
This paper reports on a pilot process used by Uganda National Parks (UNP) in collaboration with CARE's Development Through Conservation Project (DTC) to establish collaborative forest management with communuities surrounding Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and Mgahinga National Park in south west Uganda.
The report begins by outlining the history of resource use and conservation in the two national parks concerned and then goes on to outline step by step the process used, which involved participatory work with various types of community organisations. Finally, the potential of collaborative resource management in Uganda is examined.
Rejuvenate local knowledge
A collection of articles all focusing on rejuvenating local knowledge, practices and institutions as a starting point for adapting them to meet contemporary conditions.
Appendix 5 from ITDG Village Animal Healthcare Workshop, Kenya, 1992
This document outlines the content of a workshop held to examine the use of participatory methodologies in livestock projects, with a particular emphasis on the collection and use of ethno-vetinary information.
Folklore and conservation in Nigeria : using PRA to learn from the elders
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This paper is about the use of PRA in exploring indigenous technical knowledge which could be useful in the management of natural resources. The ways of discovering such knowledge, such as folklore, from the elders and how participatory research can help in understanding the indigenous knowledge systems are explained. Specific examples suggesting the harmony between nature and people in the old days and erosion of these institutions after the establishment of formal legal systems at the beginning of this century are discussed.
International Institute for Environment and Development
Zambia participatory poverty assessment : synthesis report
A report prepared as part of the Zambia Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA).
This document reports on the findings and methodology used to investigate the following issues in rural Zambia:
- local perceptions of poverty, vulnerability and relative well-being
- what the poor themselves see as the most effective actions for poverty reduction which can be taken by i) individuals or families ii) communities iii)government agencies iv) other institutions
- the main concerns and problems in poor rural people's lives at present and how these have changed over the last 5-10 years
Finally, the report summarises the most significant policy related findings of the PPA.
World Bank
The involvement of women in participatory rural appraisals.
This document focusses on the issue of women's participation in PRA in the Upper Cimanuk Watershed Component of the World Bank. The factors constraining women's participation in PRA meetings are discussed including, time factors, information flows, location of meetings and cultural and religious aspects.
The strategies devised to overcome these constraints to women's participation are then discussed.
Mapping information flows
This article is a case study from communities on the island of Leyte in the Philipppines where farmers were found to be using a wide range of technologies to try to stop environmental degradation. The article reports on how visual mapping methods were developed and used to study the role of the agricultural information system in helping farmers to cope with change and improve sustainability.