Tree and land tenure, rapid appraisal tools
An update of the community forestry note on tree and land tenure (Bruce, 1989) which examined the ownership and usufruct rights of local people to trees and land, using rapid appraisals as a tool which can be used to start to understand these complex systems. The introduction discusses both the importance of tenure, specifically its implications for project development, and the development of RRA and PRA. The appraisal process is split into three stages, each of which are examined in detail. During the preparation consideration must be given to the aims and objectives, selecting the site and the team members, reviewing secondary materials and making logistical arrangements. The field stage is discussed in detail. The various techniques are discussed, with examples and diagrams as well as possible prompting questions. the techniques are considered in the context of specific objectives which relate to tree and land tenure. Thirdly, ways of analyzing the information are illustrated, with various activities proposed which help to sort out the information gathered, and tips on report writing. The final section discusses ways in which the information from the tenure study can be used, since very often the wealth of information generated is not used to its full potential. By adapting project activities as a result of the PRA information is fed back into the design of projects, but a better outcome is the direct use of the materials in participatory planning.