Gosselink, P.

PRA in International Agricultural Research: Field Experiences of IIMI-Pakistan

This brief note summarises the author's experience of using PRA and RAAKs (Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Knowledge Systems) as a research method in exploring water users' perspective on performance indicators of an irrigation system. The result of a participatory study conducted by IIMI-Pakistan are discussed. The study outlines the performance indicators developed by water users and local responses to compensate for poor water performance.

Participatory Rural Appraisal for Irrigation Management Research: Lessons from IIMI's Experience

Based on the analysis of selected case studies in which IIMI attempted to practise the PRA approach, this working paper focuses on the use - current as well as potential - of PRA in irrigation management research (IMR). It reviews the pros and cons of PRA in the context of IMR and discusses the potential for institutionalisation of PRA at IIMI.

Participatory rural appraisal for irrigation management research: lessons from IIMI's experience

The paper focuses on the use and potential for using PRA in irrigation management research. The first part of the paper focuses on irrigation management research. The second part looks at PRA techniques which are of potential use for irrigation management research. The third section describes experiences of using PRA for irrigation management research, with examples from Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.