Manual of Urban Poverty Research Methods
This draft section of a paper, which includes the use of formal survey methods including questionnaires, discusses the use of participatory methods in urban research. The introductory section highlights the need for urban based research, with a focus on urban poverty. The aims are: to measure the nature and causes of urban poverty, understand household survival and coping mechanisms, and design policy and programmes. The increase in use of participatory techniques, with their emphasis on communication, a holistic analysis, visual techniques and triangulation could apply equally to urban situations as to rural ones. The process of participatory research, the nature of the information collected and the involvement of communites are outlined. It is argued that conducting "PRA" in urban area may have logistical advantages, and is applicable beyond the scope of poverty analysis. The dangers in application are mentioned, and the paper concludes with a list of tools, such as SSIs, ranking, maps, transects, calanders, timelines and livelihood analysis which are discussed in detail.