Summary of major findings of the Egypt consultations with the poor study
This study is part of a global research effort entitled Consultations with the Poor, designed to inform the World Development Report 2000/1 on Poverty and Development. The research has used participatory methods to involve and give a voice to poor people in twenty-three countries around the world. This report is from Egypt, from sites selected to give a rural/urban balance. The study focuses on four main topics, each with a set of key themes, as follows:
Exploring well-being
À How do people define their quality of life, their ill-being or well-being? How have these changed over time?
À How do people perceive security, risk, vulnerability, opportunities, social exclusion and crime and conflict, and how have these perceptions changed over time?
À How do households and individuals cope with a decline in well being and how do these strategies affect their lives?
Priorities of the poor
À Listing of problems faced by different groups within the community and identifying problems faced by the poor.
À Prioritisation of problems, in terms of the most pressing needs of the different groups.
À Have these problems changed over time? What are people's hopes and fears for the future?
Institutional analysis
À Which institutions are important in people's lives?
À How do people rate these institutions?
À Do people feel that they have any control or influence over these institutions?
À Which institutions support people in coping with crisis?
Gender relations
À What are the existing gender relations within the household? What is women's relative position today as compared with the past, and to men?
À What are the existing gender relations within the community?
À Are there differences in gender relations among different groups within the community?