Field guide on Participatory Organizational Self Assessment for Development (POSAD)

Publication year: 

Draft of a guide due out in January 2000 which is designed to help organisations recognise their own potential and decide for themselves how to best address the challenges they face. It uses participatory methods and tools to enable organisations to assess their strength and weaknesses, reflect on their performance, learn from experience, identify priorities for program development and strengthen their organisational capacity. It is not a recipe to follow, but aims to give an understanding of the underlying concepts of capacity building and participatory action learning so that the reader can adapt the exercises and methods presented, or invent new ones.

Source publication information
In preparartion - to be released Jan 2000
90 p.
World Neighbors, Inc
World Neighbors, 4127 NW 122nd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73120-8869, USA
Oklahoma City, OK
Publisher reference: 
World Neighbors

How to find this resource

Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
C : Guides and manuals : Community Development and Planning 3742
Post date: 30/06/2001 - 00:00