166 - 180 of 698 items
Some Selected Examples of Participatory Research
This collection of articles demonstrates some of the methodological problems which may be experienced in participatory research. This is followed by examples of participatory research, which illustrate general and methodological observations from different sectors and continents. Donors perspectives are the subject of a chapter and finally there is a listing of contacts in participatory research and networking.
The Netherlands. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Reflections on REFLECT.
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Introductory article to a special edition of PLA notes devoted to participation, literacy and empowerment.
International Institute for Environment and Development
The REFLECT process at an international level
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Article based on a workshop focussing around the REFLECT Mother Manual which was published in 1996. The workshop was held to pull together concerns and learnings regarding the manual and also to collect together recent innovations in practice.
International Institute for Environment and Development
The organic process of participation and empowerment in REFLECT.
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International Institute for Environment and Development
An encounter with a 17th century manual.
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This paper reflects on whether because of the very concept and nature of a manual, the REFLECT Mother Manual is in direct contradiction with the very approach which it is introducing.
International Institute for Environment and Development
How can REFLECT be used widely without diluting the participatory nature of the process ?
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Reflecting on two years of REFLECT experience this paper suggests that the most appropriate approach to scaling up may be a spread through a diversity of local initiatives and grassroots organisations who share their learning horizontally.
International Institute for Environment and Development
REFLECT in practice : literacy and change in India.
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This paper describes the work of YAKSHI, a small NGO in Andhra Pradesh, with an independant tribal peoples' mass organisation. REFLECT was only introduced after suport was given to reactivate a declining indigenous system of community interaction known as the 'Gotti'. The Gottis facilitated the introduction of participatory methodologies associated with REFLECT and ten REFLECT circles started focussing on two issues identified as local concerns : challenging the cash crop economy and looking holistically at health. In each community only a certain number of adults chose to learn literacy which in many other circumstances would have been seen as a failure. However, the article describes how participants perceived it differently, saying that it was only necessary for so many people in the community to be literate, just as it was only necessary for a few households to be able to climb palm trees to tap valuable oil. Promoting participation of women in the Gottis proved difficult initially and the paper outlines the way in which this was addressed.
International Institute for Environment and Development
Popular education in Latin America : examining the role of 'outsiders' in facilitating processes of empowerment at the grassroots
This master thesis argues that in popular education in latin america there lies an approach to development work in which outsiders could have a real and useful role as catalysts of empowering processes that would correspond to the true needs and aspirations of the poor. The paper looks at education and development and the role of the outsider as an educator. Looking at the impact of outside popular educators in a Mexican Indian village, the paper illustrates contradictions inherent in their role as facilitators of empowerment.
REFLECT and empowerment : our field experiences.
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After four years of implementing REFLECT in Uganda, this article examines some of the issues REFLECT participants have discussed including, children's education and the giving of food to relatives and friends after a good harvest. The impacts the approach has had are briefly outlined.
International Institute for Environment and Development
REFLECT, savings and credit in Bangladesh.
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This article based on a case study of the use of REFLECT in Bangladesh, suggests that when REFLECT is linked to a savings and credit programme it can promote a change in women's status.
International Institute for Environment and Development
SEACOW [School of Ecology and Community Work] and Chisa Kruskaisa.
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International Institute for Environment and Development
REFLECT in Oxford, England
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This article reports on the use of REFLECT by the Oxford Development Education Centre (ODEC), as part of The Learning from Life Project (LFL), with members of various African Caribbean communities living in Oxford. Participatory methods used to provide an opportunity for younger and older people to learrn from each other, are described, including a timeline of the histroy of racism in the city.