181 - 195 of 662 items
Mixing PRA methods with secondary research in organisational self-assessment
a brief account of one attempt to use PRA and other methods in analysing the impact, cost-effectiveness and sustainability of two Indian NGOs and two programmes run by SCF in Bangladesh.
Indicadores de desarrollo integral : construcción y uso.
Poverty, participation and social exclusion in North and South.
This article begins with a brief discussion of the links between the concepts of participation and social exclusion. Brief histories of three government programmes in the United States which have attempted to use participation to address poverty and social exclusion are then given. Themes emerging from these histories are outlined and their possible relevance for the South, as participation is increasingly used as an institutonalised strategy for addressing poverty.
Institute of Development Studies
Participation and Consultative skills for project monitoring and evaluation
Course notes for a workshop, this paper examines the concepts of monitoring, evaluation and participation and identifies the main components of the process. Identifying stakeholders and indicators and personal attitudes and behaviour are initial starting points, followed by sections on defining objectives of PM&E, checking the relevance of the project to the stakeholders, planning new activities, reporting findings and negotiating change. The notes end with some techiques and tools for consultation.
el Primeer Taller electronico sobre evaluacion de proyectos de combate a la pobreza rural
Proceedings of an electronic workshop promoting regional exchange of information and experiences on evaluation of rural poverty alleviation projects drawing lessons for improving approaches and practices.
Findings and recommendations of the Community Partnership Center EZ/EC Learning Initiative
The report is a summary of the data gathered and analyzed by citizens learning teams and their supporters. The teams worked to design and implement a participatory evaluation process to track local progress of a federal program to relieve severe distress in rural and urban areas. The report focuses on lessons learned about the early stages of the program and the use of community-based monitoring and evaluation as a tool for strengthening community development.
The Center
Monitoring and evaluating in the Nepal-UK Community Forestry Project.
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This article describes how forest user groups have been involved in designing and adapting a monitoring and evaluation system that enables the involvement of both literate and non-literate people. The system is linked to goal development, analysis of local resources and institutions and action plan formulation.
Participatory self-evaluation of World Neighbors, Burkina Faso.
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This article describes step by step the evaluation process used to examine the impact of three years of a WN project. The process involved villagers, village and inter-village leaders, technical WN stafff and external resource people. Villagers were involved in deciding the terms of reference, establishing the village sample using ranking, collection of data and analysis. Collection of data was carried out using both qualitative and quantitative methods, with an emphasis on triangulation of the data.
Institutional isues for monitoring local development in Ecuador.
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Growing from the grassroots : building participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation methods in PARC.
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This article describes the way in which the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (PARC) have introduced a participatory monitoring and evaluation process into their work that is closely linked to planning. Not only were a wide scope of participatory methods found to be necessary but also an organisational commitment to 'participation' and the creation of a framework to encourage it.
Participatory monitoring and evaluation in flood proofing pilot project, CARE-Bangladesh.
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Reports on the process used by CAREs Flood Proofing Pilot Project which comprised of three stages: monitoring the implementation process, identifying indicators and assessing the impact and planning. Focus group discussions were held to share experiences of floods using visual indicators grouped under those relating to health, household and general issues. Findings from the PM&E exercises were used to develop replicable and cost-effective methodologies for flood proofing.
Tracking change together.
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Introductory article for special issue of PLA notes resulting from an international workshop on participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM & E). Provides a comprehensive overview of PM & E, recent developments in its practice and emerging issues.