Scott-Villiers, Patta

Pastoralism and policy in the Horn of Africa: report of a Shirka at Isiolo

Pastoralism is an enduring economic and social system that has evolved over centuries and incorporates highly refined resource management, productivity, trade and social welfare mechanisms. Having received few tangible investments in the past - due partly to prevailing views of pastoralism as unproductive and unsustainable - strategies to aid Pastoralists in reaching their maximum economic, environmental and social potential are now being discussed. The notion of pastoralists participating in the forming and implementation of policies directly affecting them has also been called for.

They are shouting it whenever they can: beyond invited participation: the power of popular communications

This overview article on the power of popular communications starts by introducing the use of popular communications, and its tools - theatre, art, poetry, video, music, etc. - in both participatory development and participation in development. For the former, popular communications provides a tool that can stimulate reflection and action within processes of planned intervention, such as development projects. As such, it becomes a means to give voice. For others it is more about people using their voices to 'shout it wherever they can'.

Participation and Consultative skills for project monitoring and evaluation

Course notes for a workshop, this paper examines the concepts of monitoring, evaluation and participation and identifies the main components of the process. Identifying stakeholders and indicators and personal attitudes and behaviour are initial starting points, followed by sections on defining objectives of PM&E, checking the relevance of the project to the stakeholders, planning new activities, reporting findings and negotiating change. The notes end with some techiques and tools for consultation.