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From Input to Impact: PRA for ActionAid the Gambia

This is a comprehensive report of a field based training programme which includes three village studies. The first section is a reflection on the training process which details the background to the training, programme, evaluation and follow up. The evaluation is treated in detail, with individual inputs from participants and facilitators. It summarises the lessons learnt which include several of the methodological problems encountered - both in terms of the tools and the behaviour of the facilitators (manipulation, ownership of symbols etc).

Vietnamising PRA: reflections of a group of Vietnamese PRA trainers and trainees

Rather than challenging the universal validity of PRA, this discussion paper focuses on the practical task of "doing PRAs" in a new and alien context. The authors advocate the acknowledgement and acceptance of local cultural trends, power relations and structures of authority when undertaking participatory research. This will allow to work with, rather than around these factors. Hence, the proposed "Vietnamisation" of PRA so as to allow local voices to shape the values and techniques of PRA itself.

Sharing our concerns and looking to the future

A small group of PRA practitioners and trainers met to discuss their experiences in the use of PRA. One of the areas of concern identified was the quality of PRA training and practice, given the growing demand by funding agencies for "a PRA" to be conducted, and the rapid expansion in the use of PRA. Several areas are identified within which it is felt that there is potential for improvement.
