This is a comprehensive report of a field based training programme which includes three village studies. The first section is a reflection on the training process which details the background to the training, programme, evaluation and follow up. The evaluation is treated in detail, with individual inputs from participants and facilitators. It summarises the lessons learnt which include several of the methodological problems encountered - both in terms of the tools and the behaviour of the facilitators (manipulation, ownership of symbols etc). The logistics and training of trainers is discussed. Appendix 2 details the indivual components of the training , discussing the pros and cons of certain excercises for training.The three village studies report the use of PRA, and include numerous illustrations of specific tools used - maps, calendars, charts, matrices and time lines. This includes analysis of the agriculture, livestock, income opportunities, infrastructure etc. of the village. There is an assesment of the problems and opportunities which the PRAs highlighted, and the impact of programmes currently working in the area. They conclude with feedback from the villagers.
Publication year:
Interest groups:
Trainers, practitioners at community level
182 p.
Publisher reference:
ActionAid / IIED