The article focuses on the possibility and practicability of involving children in programme development, using participatory research and planning techniques. It is based on experiences of Save the Children Fund (SCF-UK). The article does three things: (i) outlines reasons why participation by children makes adults uncomfortable; (ii) relates how SCF has tried to promote childrenÆs participation in its own work; and (iii) addresses the difficulties encountered.
The first section of this report comprises an introduction to the area in relation to its natural resources with particular emphasis on trees, and perceptions of trees by residents. The background to, and use of R/PRA is discussed, in the context of a workshop held on focusing on participation and trees. The methods used in RRA are discussed and a checklist of important issues given. In example case studies, local attitudes towards woodlands, private and communal tree planting, trees on arable lands, firewood and environmental problems were detailed, and linked to livestock and cropping constraints. From the R/PRA, a discussion of different problems and potential solutions was encouraged, and 'best bet' project actions worked out, although these were formulated away from the field, and taken back for further discussion. The report concludes with an evaluation of the workshop and the methodolgy (generally favourable comments although problems of expectation-raising and excessive focus on trees were mentioned). There was a felt need for further training and follow-up work.
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