Kabripathar: PRA the AKRSP Way
Afforestation programmes in Kabripathar, Gujarat, India, failed because locals were not consulted (01). In contrast, AKRSP has been using PRA to understand peopleÆs knowledge (02). This video documents how PRA methods were used in an international workshop held there, and how the methods are integrated into the organisational structure of AKRSPÆs programmes. Methods shown include mapping and modelling (03), transects (05), use of matrices for a social census (08), natural resource assessment (10), matrix ranking of problems (11), tree and wealth rankings (15), and seasonality diagrams (16). A special feature of AKRSPÆs organisation is the use of villagers as extension volunteers, which means that outsiders donÆt set the agenda (06). Master extension volunteers, elected by villagers on the basis of their skills and expertise, are accountable to AKRSP. It is explained that AKRSP sees its role as encouraging joint learning by AKRSP and village people. The goal of PRA is to help AKRSP and villagers assess what physical and social resources exist. Villagers carry out the analysis and set priorities, facilitated by extension volunteers (11). The video ends with reflections from participants in the international training workshop on what they had experienced (17) and also from some village representatives (19).