The Experience and Perceptions of Poverty in South Africa
Draft copy of the final report of the South African participatory poverty assessment. See record 2036 for final copy.
Draft copy of the final report of the South African participatory poverty assessment. See record 2036 for final copy.
Introductory chapter to a thesis looking at the malleable nature of the concept of empowerment in state and non-state policy making. This section concentrates on the research method and notes that despite claims to the contrary, participatory research is not likely to empower "beneficiary" populations.
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Written from the field, this article presents problems, progress and early observations from doctoral fieldwork on poverty and anti-poverty policy which combines ethnographic, rapid appraisal (RA) and other methods. Some of the practical and ethical dilemmas facing researchers aiming to use RA for doctoral fieldwork are outlined and reflections made.
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This paper is about the use of various methodologies such as PRA, basic communication skills, mediated learning experience and log frame in developing a community and group action plans. The use of these tools in the context of child support programmes, which aim at enhancing the development, survival, protection participation of children, are discussed. Redd Barna Uganda's experience in using a mix and match method and the process involved in it are explained. The complementarity between log frame and PRA methods, especially in the development of a community action plan after the local situational analysis is done, is emphasised for widening the scope of PRA. Questions are raised on some of the key issues, such as how to sustain community participation in the long run.
This paper outlines the development of interest in participatory development approaches. Some of the difficulties faced today in natural resource management are discussed and the opportunities presented by participatory methodologies are highlighted. Finally, the implications for forestry professionals wanting to work towards more participatory forms of resource management are indicated.
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Report on PRA carried out by World Bank in ten villages in Mali to complement quantitative data previously collected on the red meat sub-sector for policy development purposes.
Few studies of local knowledge focus on processing and marketing of farm produce which constitute an important source of income for rural households, and especially women. The author presents a case study of milk processing and marketing by Fulani women, in which their considerable knowledge of local market conditions and innovations as well as their limited knowledge of the linkages between the local and wider national economies are highlighted. The differences between æextractiveÆ and æenrichingÆ research are drawn on to explain why the study did not lead to institutional development in dairy planning, and to discuss the ethics
of wider dissemination of research results.
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This document briefly outlines several projects which are exploring PRA as a methodology for achieving more democratic participation in local level (Barangay) development planning.
This paper examines the effect of decentralisation on community participation, with particular reference to the channeling of funds to Municipal level in Oaxaca, Mexico.
The study suggests that where local governments are already democratic and responsive to their citizens as was found to be the case in Oaxaca, decentralisation can be a positive force increasing participation. However, the report suggests that devolving project-funding decision making to local governments will not necessarily increase participation and indeed may actually reinforce authoritarian rule at the local level in instances where the necessary institutional change has not taken place.