Responding to reproductive health needs: participatory approach for analysis and action
This report and training guide documents experiences from two training of trainer workshops that were conducted in 1997-98 in Nepal to assess reproductive health (RH) needs and to help trainers gain the skills to assist communities in addressing these needs. The workshops were conducted by World Neighbors in partnership with a local non-government group, the Baudha Bahunipati Family Welfare Project (a project of the Family Planning
Association of Nepal). The first chapter introduces the context of the workshops. The second chapter gives account of the æTraining for trainers I: reproductive health and gender workshopÆ presenting several participative exercises to identify, analyse and prioritise RH and gender issues and problems. The exercises include hidden message posters, problem trees, root analyses, pairwise ranking and picture cards. The workshop is concluded with an NGO RH and gender action plan. Chapter three documents the æTraining of trainers II: review and planning workshopÆ and presents further participatory exercises used in the workshop such as indicators puzzle and planning matrix. All in all 15 exercises are presented and described with the help of illustrations and diagrams, together with the finings of the workshops in the context o Nepal.