This brief guide to mainstreaming HIV/AIDS was produced by Project Empower in partnership with Oxfam HIV/AIDS Programme (South Africa). It describes the features and milestones of rights-based mainstreaming. It reflects the experiences of 23 South African development organisations as well as some international agencies. The content is based on a review and analysis of a mainstreaming gender pilot conducted in South Africa between 1999 and 2001. The briefly describes mainstreaming and looks at differences in understanding of HIV/AIDS mainstreaming. The rights-based approach to HIV/AIDS mainstreaming is explained briefly as a process of change and transformation whereby individuals, committees and institutions are empowered through access to resources and services based on principles of justice, equality and respect for human rights, to enable women, men and children to live full meaningful lives. It looks at the main features of HIV/AIDS mainstreaming and defines eight areas for planning and action. It also gives a practical example of rights based mainstreaming
Publisher reference:
Project Empower