Meeting Community Needs for Monitoring Catchment Health Authors: Irons, Christopher D. Walker, Joe 1996 Publisher CSIRO. Division of Water Resources Camberra http://
Towards Community-Based Extension: Observations on Participation and Other Aspects from the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) in Pakistan Authors: Katz, Elisabeth 1998 Publisher Landwirtschaftliche Beratungszentrale Lindau, Switzerland
Farmer Participatory Action Research and Quantitative Analysis: A Fruitful Marriage? Authors: Defoer, Toon (et al.) 1997
Farmer Field School on Integrated Soil Management in Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam Authors: Miagostovich, Marco 1998
Lessons from the Family Planning Experience for Community-Based Environmental Education Authors: Weekes-Vagliani, Winifred 1992 Publisher OECD Paris
Monitoring and Evaluation of Watershed Management Project Achievements Authors: Hernandez Becerra, Edgar 1995 Publisher FAO Rome
Income Generation from Non-Wood Forest Products in Upland Conservation Authors: Taylor, David A. 1996 Publisher FAO Rome
Chairing Meetings: Turn and Topic Control in Development Communication in Rural Zanzibar Authors: Hanak, Irmi
Lessons Learned in Environmental Mediation: Practical Experiences in North and South Authors: Martin, Gillian Hamacher, Winfried (eds.) 1997 Publisher International Academy for the Environment|GTZ Geneva|Bonn http://
Report of the Expert Consultation on Small-Scale Rural Aquaculture Authors: Martinez-Espinosa, Manuel 1997 Publisher FAO Rome
From Terms of Reference to Participatory Learning: Using an Evaluation's Creative Space Authors: Harnmeijer, Joanne 1998
Creative Training: A User's Guide 1998 Publisher Voluntary Service Overseas|International Institute for Rural Reconstruction|Popular Education for People's Empowerment Quezon City, Philippines http://
Voluntary Service Overseas|International Institute for Rural Reconstruction|Popular Education for People's Empowerment Quezon City, Philippines http://