An exploratory study in Parbhani, a rural community of the western dryland region of India, assessed community nutrition problems using RRA to assess the broad causes of malnutrition. The total study period was nine months. The survey team used public transport, often conducting just two interviews a day. Through open-ended surveys and focus group discussions, in-depth information was obtained on agricultural patterns, food habits, food storage and marketing practices, infant-feeding practices, and cultural beliefs and taboos. Secondary data was analysed. The study concludes by making recommendations for further research.
The paper summarises an RRA conducted over nine months in the Parbhani district of Maharashtra. There were four aims: 1) to evaluate techniques of RRA as a basis for community assessment, nutrition planning and programmes; 2) generate insights into factors that influence the nutritional status of rural inhabitants; 3) recommend interventions to improve nutrition; 4) identify problems for further research. In depth interviews and group discussions were held with 200 families. Results generated an insight into agricultural practices, cash cropping, marketing, storage practices and infant feeding practices.
The paper is a descriptive and explorative study on the experience of the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction in the conduct of Participatory Action Research (PAR) and its contributions in the development of a community managed health programme in Barangay Pinagsanhan in Cavite, Philippines. The experience showed that the initial conduct of PAR helped in the codification of the people's concept of health. It also familiarised them with a more systematic learning process for the planning and implementation of a more culturally-sensitive community health programme. Recommendations to maximise contributions of the PAR exercise in enhancing community cooperation and the villagers' critical thinking capability are suggested. The institutionalisation of PAR as a management tool for the planning and implementation of community programmes is also discussed.