Kashyap, P.

Assessing Nutrition Problems in India using Rapid Rural Appraisal Methods.

The paper summarises an RRA conducted over nine months in the Parbhani district of Maharashtra. There were four aims: 1) to evaluate techniques of RRA as a basis for community assessment, nutrition planning and programmes; 2) generate insights into factors that influence the nutritional status of rural inhabitants; 3) recommend interventions to improve nutrition; 4) identify problems for further research. In depth interviews and group discussions were held with 200 families.

Rapid rural appraisal methodology and its use in nutrition surveys

There is an important role for qualitative, low cost and quick techniques in the field of malnutrition. RRA appears to promise this. Five constant principles of RRA are given, while recognising that every RRA is different, namely triangulation, optimal ignorance, appropriate imprecision, rapid and progressive learning, and learning from local people.