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Participatory Learning Approaches in Multisectoral Projects: Experiences from Rural and Urban Development Cooperation in Africa, Asia and Latin America 1995
Participatory Planning and Evaluation Methods: Suggestions for Complementary Methodologies Authors: Blauert, Jutta 1995
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PRA: Contract and Commitment for Village Development Authors: Prinsen, Gerard (et al.) 1996 Publisher The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning Gaborone, Botswana http://
Participatory Rural Appraisal, Village Planning, Community Managed Extension and Training for FLFP in Vietnam Authors: Shah, Parmesh 1992
Rural Community Organizing in the Philippines Authors: Batistiana, Brenda M. Murphy, Denis 1996 Publisher COTRAIN Quezon City, Philippines http://
The Building Blocks of Participation: Testing Bottom-Up Planning Authors: Cernea, Michael M. 1992 Publisher The World Bank Washington, USA http://www.worldbank.org
Rapid Rural Appraisal and Community Strategic Planning Authors: Warner, Michael P. White, Leroy A. 1992 Publisher Keele University. Department of Geography Keele http://
Beyond Fences: Seeking Social Sustainability in Conservation Authors: Borrini-Feyerabend, Grazia (ed.) 1997 Publisher IUCN Gland, Switzerland http://
La Planificación Participativa del Uso del Paisaje en el Contexto del Desarrollo Regional Authors: Gaviria VÚlez, Juan Guillermo 1997
La Consideración de la Participación Ciudadiana y los Factores Culturales en la Práctica de la Planificación Urbana y Territorial: Una Experiencia desde la AntropologÝa Aplicada Authors: Lopez Carranque, Carmen 1997
Participation in Strategies for Sustainable Development Authors: Bass, Stephen Dalal-Clayton, Barry Pretty, Jules N. 1995 Publisher IIED. Environmental Planning Group London http://
80 Herramientas para el Desarrollo Participativo: Diagnóstico, Planificación, Monitoreo, Evaluación Authors: Geilfus, Frans 1997 Publisher Prochalate|IICA San Salvador, El Salvador http://