196 - 210 of 884 items
Linking government with community resource management : what's working and what's not.
This report (based largely on the discussions held at the 5th Asia Forest Network meeting held at Surajkund, India in 1996), synthesises the experiences of community forestry management in the region.
The report begins by outlining the main trends in forest policy in each country.
The elements considered necessary for transition of forest management to local communities are examined, including enabling policies, the need for reorientation of Forestry Agencies and ways of enhancing development support agency programs.
The political and economic factors which undermine community involvement in forest management are considered, including inequities in resource flows whereby national goverenments tend to regard forest regions as resource banks to be used according to state requirements and also problems of delegating authority to the administrative village level which may not reflect interest user groups.
Finally, the strategies and activities planned to be taken in the future are outlined for each participating country.
Asia Forest Network
Exploration of participation : possibilities and limits of a participatory training approach in volunteers' organisation.
A study examining a participatory training workshop, subsequent activities and final evaluation with volunteers working for INZET, an NGO which aims to maximise the possibilities for sustainable development in the South through influencing government policy.
The aims of the training were to restimulate the enthusiasm of volunteers, bring them and their work closer to the INZET activities and equip them with the additional skills necessary for their promotional work. The study describes and reflects on the process and examines the effectiveness of the participatory training in achieving its aims.
Towards STD / AIDS awareness and prevention in Plateau State, Nigeria : findings from a participatory rural appraisal.
A report of the process and findings of a PRA carried out as part of a World Bank funded project to prevent STD and AIDS infection in several communities of Nigeria's Plateau State.
Issues explored with community members using PRA techniques are documented including, perceptions of health needs, community knowledge, behaviours and practices related to STD/AIDS and sources of health information available to communities and their impact. The report describes how dissemination meetings of findings provided opportunities for communities to be actively involved in deciding priorities for action and how they should be implemented.
The article outlines how the PRA process was useful not only in terms of improving program design but also in that it led to new partnerships among various stakeholder institutions.
World Bank
Two cheers for RRA.
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This article briefly points to those situations in which the use of RRA might be more appropriate than PRA.
International Institute for Environment and Development
Guidelines for consultations and popular participation in development processes and projects.
Stockholm University
Building linkages for livelihood security in Chivi, Zimbabwe.
This article examines the role NGO's should play in the participative process, baring in mind the typically short term and localised nature of their operations.
The case of the Intermediate Development Group (ITDG) in Chivi is examined, whereby from the very beginning the project sought to link farming communities with their service organisations, such as government research stations, training institutions and also with farmers in other districts, rather than implement an operational project in the conventional sense. This approach was found to enable farmers to continue to access these sources of information after the life of the project without the need for external support.
International Institute for Environment and Development
"Inspite of the rains, the ground is still dry" : the Ghana Participatory Poverty Assessment studies; impacts, implications and lessons for the future.
This dissertation argues that the Ghana Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) was successful methodologically, in terms of obtaining the views of the poor concerning their priorities and strategies to combat poverty. However, in spite of the exercise receiving wide international attention, the results have yet to be accepted as a relevant data source within Ghana itself, owing to a strong preference for statistical data in social policy research.
Toward participatory research
This volume is designed as a practical guide to the formulation and implementation of participatory research and enquiry. It contains a wealth of material about the principles underlying participatory techniques, insights gained from the use of such techniques in the field, suggestions about how to best design and implement these methods, and actual participatory activities and checklists which have proven successful.
World Bank
Striking a balance : a guide to enhancing the effectiveness of non-governmental organisations in international development
The book analyses development NGO responses to rapid global change and provides practical suggestions to NGOs for improving effectiveness while maintaining values and promoting participation of the poor and marginalised.