241 - 255 of 548 items
Stepping stones : a training manual for sexual and reproductive health communication and relationship skills.
This manual is adapted for use in South Africa from the original Stepping Stones package produced by Alice Welbourn, (see document number 1078) that was originally designed for use in small rural communities in Uganda. In making the adaptation it was recognised that many South Africans live in cities and that in such communities change may be achieved if communities are seen as people from a neighbourhood, a school, a women's goup, a football club, church group etc. All the exercises are designed however, so that they can be used in either rural or urban settings, with literate and non-literate people.
A new approach to evaluating a peer education programme for sex workers
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A description of the 'Mala' (necklace) as a self assessment tool helping women to monitor both their own activities as commercial sex workers as well as their role as peer educators. Different activities were recorded using coloured beads strung into necklaces.
International Institute for Environment and Development
Stepping forward : children and young people's participation in the development process
This book presents issues and challenges facing those facilitating children's and young people's participation. The contributors come from a wide range of backgrounds including NGOs in development, children's agencies, academic insitutions and governments and provide case studies from the UK, Eastern Europe, asia, Africa, the Carribean and central and north America. Chapter 1 gives and overview to the main issues and concepts and chapters 2-7 each expand on a particular theme. The main issues discussed and analysed include: the ethical dilemmas facing professionals, the process and methods used in partlicipatory research and planning with children, the inter-relationship between culture and children's participation, considerations for instiutions and the key qualities of a participation programme.
IT Publications
Stepping Stones to the transformation of gender relations?
A short article about the stepping stones approach to sexual health.
Institute of Development Studies
Children living in a world with AIDS : guildelines for children's participation in HIV/AIDS programmes
A guide for people working with children who are infected or affected the the HIV virus. The central theme is involvement of children in decision making about their lives as affected by HIV and AIDS. "The guidelines offer a framework by which children can be involved in a range of issues in an ethically and morally acceptable way." The booklet contains a list of addresses for getting more information or copies of the guidelines.
Safely through the night
Volume 1 of this report presents the findings of a desk review, questionaire and participatory field work. The desk review illustrates that CAFOD's understanding of behaviour change has shifted from a more individualistic, personal responsiblity, cause-and-effect focus, to one increasingly aware of the influences of social, economic, legal, religious and cultural constraints on individual and community behaviour. "The contributions from participating communities provided an enormous amount of rich and complex information, which was often unpredicted and occasionally at oddes with the organisation's perceptions." Main findings of the field work include local communities' "inability, in the face of other more pressing felt needs, to identify HIV as a big problem". The report provides the methodology adopted, the findings of the desk review and questionairre and details of the field work. this covered questions of the relevance of HIV programmes to the communitites needs and desire changes, questions of process, views on outputs and outcomes and ideas for the way forward.
Volume 2 contains the annexes which describe the terms of reference, the reports of the desk review and questionnaire analysis, the field review methodology and more detailed presentations of the findings.
Youth Against Aids Project, Ban Pang Lao, Chiang Rai, Thailand.
Initiated by Save the Children (UK) and the National Council for Child and Youth Development, this report aims to present experiences from the Youth Against AIDS Project, in Ban Pang Lao. The project has involved many groups including youth groups, youth volunteers against AIDS, housewives groups, village groups, the committee for the Prevention of AIDS and teachers from Ban Pang Lao village and from other schools. The report aims to disseminate what has been learnt from the study, so that it can be discussed and exchanged and used for the benefit of people working in the field of AIDS prevention and care.
Structured participation in Community Health Clubs
This article explores an approach to implementing a helath promotion campaign using a strategy that combines participatory methodologies within a structure programme. It focuses on the use of health education as the entry point into rural areas where water and sanitation projects are to take place.
Participatory appraisal of the needs of people with M.E. [Myalgic Encephalomyelitis] in Hull and the East Riding
A local team looked at the needs and experiences of people in their community suffering from M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis), hoping that the results would go some way to raising awareness about ME. They used timelines and circle diagrams, brainstormed solutions and found local means of acting on key solutions.