Report on the use of Participatory Research Methods in Sri Lanka with Recommendations for Participatory On-Farm Trials

Publication year: 

This report contains a section on PRA and its use in on-farm trials in Sri Lanka. The principles of RRA are outlined and discussed. A number of RRA techniques are described - pair ranking, matrix ranking, wealth ranking, diagramming, interviewing, key informants and reconnaissance surveys - using aerial maps and remote sensing.

Interest groups: 
Some questions are raised about the applicability of all PRA methods to all farmers, and a situation discussed where farmers felt that everyone enjoyed the PRA games, but that real needs had not been addressed. Finally the results of the exercises which were conducted with farmers are presented and analysed.
Oxford Forestry Institute / University of Peradeniya Link Project
Oxford Forestry Institute, Oxford, UK
Publisher reference: 
Oxford Forestry Institute / University of Peradeniya Link Project

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Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
B : General : Tools and techniques 562
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00