Participatory learning and action: with 100 field methods

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This is a reference book on participatory sustainable development. It is fully illustrated with applications from different countries and localities. The book is written to be accessible to anyone interested in or already working in this area of development. The book is laid out in the following way: Chapter 1 describes the on going shifts in the development paradigm and the de-construction of mindsets; Chapter's 2 and 3 contain methods for improving mindsets, personal qualities, attributes and analytical skills; Chapter 4 describes 'verbal' methods to help in rapport building and general conversation; Chapter 5 is a description of visual methods on mapping and sketching; Chapter 6 is also concerned with visual methods, this time diagrams and flow charts.Chapter; 7 introduces methods to reveal priorities through ranking and scoring; Chapter 8 describes the seasonality method, which is important in showing seasonal variations in lives and livelihoods of local communities; Chapter 9 considers methods related to joint walk with local groups to have a close look at areas/locations/sites which are considered relevant for overviewers or have a special focus; Chapter 10 is on applications of PRA/PLA type activities and reflections of these methods.

Source publication information
Studies in rural participation 4
335 p.
Concept Publishing Company, A/15-16, Commercial Block, Mohan Garden, New Delhi-110059, India
New Delhi
Publisher reference: 

How to find this resource

Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
A : Participatory Approaches : PRA and PLA 4329
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00