The Impact of BRAC's Rural Development Programme in Gilanda Village, Manikganj.

Publication year: 

This paper presents the findings of a one and a half day investigation of the impact of BRAC's Rural Development Programme (RDP) on a village in Manikganj. It was conducted by 11 BRAC staff as a part of a RRA/PRA Refresher course and provided an opportunity to test out the methods to be used in the PRA component of the BRAC Impact Assessment Study [IAS]. The paper is divided into four main sections. In the first, the methodology used in the study is explained - main methods used time lines, seasonal calendars and wealth ranking. In the second, the location is introduced and the history of BRAC's involvement is reconstructed. The third section asks who has benefited, to what extent, and how ? And finally, the wider implications of this pilot study for the IAS are drawn out - these include the assertion that more time is needed for fieldwork, and the observation that, while RRA/PRA potentially offer a very good way of dealing with the IAS agenda, this potential will only be realized if "the most able of the BRAC staff trained in the methods are given the responsibility".

Interest groups: 
This report may be of relevance to village level fieldworkers, planners and managers, especially those working for NGOs.
Source publication information
PRA studies series
Research and Evaluation Division Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee
Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC
Publisher reference: 
Research and Evaluation Division Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee

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D : Monitoring and evaluation 600
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00