Field Methods Manual: Volume II: Community Forest Economy and Land Use Patterns: PRA methods in South Gujarat, India

Publication year: 

The second in a two volume report dealing with the use of PRA in community forestry in Gujerat. This volume presents the results of a workshop on the use of PRA in assessing the use of forest resources, particularly non-timber forest products, discussing levels of interaction between people and the forest. PRA is used to gain a fast, accurate picture of the field sites, and as a basis for participatory planning. It is thought to be less useful for rigorous research, including micro-level economics and forest inventories. Large quantities of information were collected. The various techniques used are detailed, along with field examples of their use, and comments on their utilisation. Three comprehensive case studies are presented, with management implications, and the final section deals with potential collaborative management systems.

Interest groups: 
This article will be of use to foresters concerned with practical training in PRA, particularly practitioners and fieldworkers at the district and community level.
Joint Forest Management Support Programme, Society for the Promotion of Wastelands Development
Joint Forest Management National Support Group, Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development, Shriram Bharatiya Kala Kendra Building, 1 Copernicus Marg, New Delhi 110001, India
New Delhi, India
Publisher reference: 
Joint Forest Management Support Programme, Society for the Promotion of Wastelands Development

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D : Agriculture and NRM : Forestry and agroforestry 325
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00