Poffenberger, M.

Forest Protection Committees in Gujarat: Joint Management Initiative

This document contains three sections. The first is a paper on the evolution of the forest protection committee programme in Gujarat, India. It documents the history of state forest management, traditional resource use patterns, and forestry/community conflict issues. It details the author's experiences since 1978 of joint forestry management and community organising, leading to the formation of forest protection committees in each village. The forest protection and production activities of foresters and village committees are described.

Community Forest Economy and Land Use Patterns: PRA Methods in South Gujarat: Field Methods Manual: Vols I and II

This book introduces forest management from a macro perspective illustrating the increasing levels of participation in forestry. The most important aspect of these two volumes is the clear description of the steps which need to be taken to prepare for community forestry research. Issues higlighted include the use of secondary sources of data and the importance of the research team's approach. Details of the process of a rapid appraisal for community forest management are given.

Field Methods Manual: Volume II: Community Forest Economy and Land Use Patterns: PRA methods in South Gujarat, India

The second in a two volume report dealing with the use of PRA in community forestry in Gujerat. This volume presents the results of a workshop on the use of PRA in assessing the use of forest resources, particularly non-timber forest products, discussing levels of interaction between people and the forest. PRA is used to gain a fast, accurate picture of the field sites, and as a basis for participatory planning. It is thought to be less useful for rigorous research, including micro-level economics and forest inventories. Large quantities of information were collected.

Field Methods Manual: Volume 1: Diagnostic Tools for Supporting Forest Management Systems

The four sections of the report cover the importance of research for community forestry in India, specifically using PRA. A background is provided to forest management in India at the macroscale, and to increasing levels of participation. The steps to be undertaken in preparing for community forestry research are highlighted, emphasising secondary sources and the approach of the research team, and details of a rapid appraisal for community forest management are given.