Change the Change Agent

Publication year: 

This paper looks at participatory management as a basis for bringing about behavioural changes both at the individual and organisational level. The paper draws heavily on various theories of human behaviour, organisational management and their impact in shaping individual behaviour. The paper presents a review of dominant organisation behaviour models and the key events taking place in business management which have relevance to participatory development in general and to development workers in particular. A summary of the constructive approach is provided - the positivist, rationalistic paradigm, which helps to look at and understand the world in different ways.

Source publication information
Available at IDS for reference
South-South workshop on PRA Behaviour and Attitudes,
Conference Location: 
Bangalore, India

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Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
A : Behaviour and attitudes 1232
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00