Kievelitz, U.

Diagnostico Rural Rapido, Diagnostico Rural Participativo Métodos participativos de diagnóstico y planificación en la cooperación al desarrollo

Este manual comprende, ademßs de una introducci¾n general acerca del DRR/DRP, las lÝneas bßsicas de los enfoques y procedimientos mßs importantes utilizados por las instituciones que han llevado a la prßctica la filosofÝa del DRR y DRP. Entre ellos: anßlisis de sistemas agroecol¾gicos (AEA), el sondeo, la metodologÝa participativa de aprendizaje (PALM), la investigaci¾n-acci¾n participativa (IAP) etc.

Participatory Learning Approaches: rapid rural appraisal and participatory appraisal

A comprehensive introduction to both RRA and PRA, with extensive bibliography and lists of contacts at the end. The first chapter focuses on the theory, with sections on the nature of RRA and PRA, the key concepts involved, the special prerequisites for carrying out "PRA", and the potentials and applications as well as limitations of this type of process. This is a fairly comprehensive analysis which includes two case studies.

Participatory Survey and Planning Methods in Development Cooperation: Rapid Rural Appraisal, Participatory Appraisal. An Introduction with Commentary

This comprehensive text begins with an introduction to key concepts of RRA and PRA, a consideration of the limitations of the methods, and a look into the future. The book considers the use of PRA in the project cycle, various methodological approaches in practice, participatory action research (PAR), Participatory Assessment, Monitoring and Evalustion (PAME) and ethnographic approaches; provides a toolbox of PRA methods and concludes with lists and directories of PRA Resources.

Rapid appraisal of organizational cultures: a challenge for field work

Research into organizational culture is considered, starting by spelling out deficits in current and past research. It moves on to look at what is meant by culture, and tackles issues such as research in the field, with regard to what it terms 'rapid organizational research'. Both classical and rapid organizational appraisal have a number of problems associated with them; the paper suggests ways in which these can be overcome. It is concluded, that broadly speaking, field research methods can be applied to surveying organisational cultures.

Some insights into training for rapid and participatory appraisal in a Northern setting

A training programme for GTZ staff ("to let them have a taste for real life application of PRA techniques") focused on an area of the Austrian Alps undergoing rapid change due to tourism and infrastructure development. The "learning insights" from doing this exercise in the North are summarized as twelve points suggesting how PRA can help in 'Northern' countries and how PRA training in the North for aid personnel can be more effective than if held in 'Northern' countries.