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Whither ChildrenÆs Hour? An Experimental PRA Among Labouring Rural Children

A three-day workshop was held to: 1) explore whether different PRA methods could be used with children and, 2) to examine whether children have an understanding of the various dimensions of family and social life. The workshop was made up of 75 children participants. Some of the PRA exercises carried out and their objectives are described. It was observed that children who participated in the workshop were reluctant to talk initially, but with time the initial hesitation disappeared. The article also mentions that the PRA exercises made a significant impact on the childrenÆs life.

Farmer participatory procedures for managing and monitoring sustainable farming systems

This paper aims to devise a farmer participatory method that not only improves farmer management of natural resources, but also monitors the impact of improvements. This assessment is made in terms of: economic efficiency, biological material recycling, species biodiversity and material input-output balance. Results suggest that high performance in all indicators can occur simultaneously and that economic loss from crop failure does not jeopardise performance in biodiversity and recycling.

"Look who's talking": a report of a training of trainers course in participatory rural appraisal for ActionAid Ethiopia

As part of a training exercise, a matrix of disease and severity was made in Kitkita. Nine diseases were identified by five male farmers. In another exercise male and female farmers were asked to recall the diseases seen in the last five years and the source of health care provision and treatment. A diagram was drawn up which linked diseases, sources, causes and treatment.

Participatory review of changes after a stepping stones workshop in an Islamic context, the Gambia, February 2000

This paper presents a participatory review of the Stepping Stone (SS) project directed at Muslim communities in the Gambia. The SS training package is aimed at informing about sexual and reproductive health, and the prevention of HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It has been adapted by the Gambian government, Medical Research Council (MRC UK), ActionAid, Gambia Family Planning Association, and the Worldwide Evangelisation for Christ mission, to make it appropriate for Muslim communities in Gambia.

Education for changing unions

This book is a compilation of experiences, reflections and activities put together by five educators working in CanadaÆs labour movement. This book is the product of a collective writing project that builds on the experience of æEducation for ChangeÆ, published in 1991. This book applies the central issues of transformative education specifically to the labour movement, which is one part of the broader movement for economic and social justice.

Sharing power: a global guide to the collaborative management of natural resources

This book is designed to support professionals and others attempting to understand collaborative management regimes and strives to support them in developing their practice. This book is a stepping stone in the evolving understanding and lessons learned, and aims to synthesise key collaborative management features, important steps in developing those and lessons learned regarding management institutions and the evolution of a favourable policy context. The book aims to promote action, and offers a practical menu of examples, tools and checklists.
