Bhardwaj, G.

A Peoples Analysis Of Their Soil And Water Conservation Measures.

This is a report on a PRA exercise in Mzadhya Pradesh in India, to investigate into people's indigenous knowledge and perceptions on soil and water conservation, conducted by Action Aid. The three day exercise conducted by would be trainers and the local people investigated into the land use pattern, local design parameters in soil and water conservation, and soil erosion. It also has an attachment of diagrams: Resource map, Time Trend diagram, Seasonal map, Community map, and Chapati diagram.

Institutionalisation of PRA in Government (Experiences from Madhya Pradesh)

This paper discusses the experiences of ActionAid (India) in providing PRA support to various government agencies in Madhya Pradesh, India. Their involvement with forestry, administration and education departments is described. The author offers summaries of the varying status of institutionalisation of PRA. The informal and formal processes of feedback are critical to implementation and sustainability. Perceptions of field staff are central to feedback. Informally elicited perceptions are discussed. Error should be embraced and sharing encouraged.