1 - 15 of 18 items
Learning Friend Diary: a manual for trainers
This training manual is part of the "Internal Learning System" which is a participatory monitoring and evaluation system for grassroots livelihoods and micro-finance programmes, developed in India. Accompanying the member level diary, this manual gives pictorial direction of a series of exercises for member training meetings. It includes topics such as looking at socio-economic conditions, collecting and analysing data and using loans effectively.
A very popular economic education sampler
We all take economic decisions in our everyday life yet we are led to believe that "economics" is best left to the experts - that it is a beast beyond most people's understanding and control. This book is one representation of the efforts of everyday people to take matters into their own hands. It is a compilation of materials developed by community groups and economic educators who have collectively explored local, national and international systems and dynamics. It represents voices that, like the vast majority of people, don't benefit from economic policies but together say "We can understand economics. We know what is at stake. And we demand a voice at the table of economic decision-making, alongside the lobbyists and politicians". The book is divided into five sections:
À Popular Patterns (in our experience)
À Threading it Together: Activities
À The Fabric of our Work: Issues and Analysis
À Expressions (of our discontent): Using Multi-media Creatively
À Resources: Individual and Organisational Contacts
The purpose of the book is to share these activities with other people in the interest of economic and political empowerment. It aims to get rid of confusing language and put economics into terms that everyone can easily understand. It provides copious tools: it is full of activities that encourage involvement, understanding, learning and action.
The Center
Let's learn friends! Group diary for self-help savings and credit groups
This is a publication that describes how the Internal Learning System (ILS) monitors self-help savings and credit groups. It consists of charts and tables of measurement that ILS groups use to monitor their progress in areas such as improving their shelter, living conditions, empowerment, etc.
Learning Friend Diary for staff and area organizers : a training guide : internal learning system for livelihood and micro-finance programs
This booklet follows in a series of publications that highlight the methods and objectives of the Internal Learning System. This particular document guides organisers of internal learning system programs to reflect on the effectiveness of program inputs and strategies and make improvements to the programs based on these observations.
Internal learning system : a participatory monitoring and evaluation system for grassroots livelihoods and micro-finance programs
This booklet describes a participatory monitoring and evaluation system for grassroots livelihoods and micro-finance programs. It contrasts the traditional techniques used to monitor and evaluate credit programmes with those of the group-oriented internal learning system (ILS). It gives details of how ILS works, a five step process involving collecting information, assessing the direction of change, analysing the information, planning based on learning and the documentation of results. Throughout it emphasises the participatory, flexible, simple, and decentralised method of the ILS.
Manual for socio-economic and gender analysis : responding to the development challenge
This manual is for development professionals and residents of local communities in the North and the South who address constraints to equitable, effective and sustainable development. The authors hope that the framework for socio-economic and gender analysis offered will contribute to capacity building and empowerment of communities. The manual is divided into five sections - an overview, outline of conceptual framework, elaboration of participatory strategies and tools, sketching of scenarios and a concluding section on measuring effectiveness. Each section is detailed and a step by step guidance is offered to conduct the analysis.
Activists for Social Alternatives
Handbooks for Community Based Organisations
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This folder, produced by the Jamaican Social Investment Fund, consists of seven short handbooks on CBOs . They are the result of observation of many Jamaican CBOs and they seek to address some of the common problems addressed by these organisations. These practical handbooks cover a number of topics: 1 The Community Based Organisation: looks at issues such as what a CBO is, how to get started, membership types, CBO structure, how to encourage new people, principles of evaluation and accountability, and registration. 2 Leadership and Motivation: here several issues are considered such as who the organisation belongs to, the constitution, job descriptions, meetings, how to stimulate creativity, building consensus and decision making, delegating and dealing with conflict. 3 Money Management and Fundraising: this handbook looks at the role of the Treasurer, the types of funds needed, different ways to raise funds, budgeting, accounting, financial reports, audit, credit and investment. 4 Planning Community Projects: various issues are considered such as developing a vision, identifying priorities, analysing the problem, analysing resources, analysing the past, analysing alternative solutions, analysing risk, planning activities and writing project proposals 5 Implementing Community Projects: this handbook takes the community project further by addressing implementation challenges, identifying beneficiaries, mobilising people to provide services, detailing the action plan, identifying the best time for implementation and monitoring of the project. 6 Evaluation of Community Projects: the issues around evaluating projects are looked at in this handbook and include questions such as why evaluate, who should evaluate, what should be evaluated and how should it be done. Evaluating people, planning and reporting are also addressed. 7 CBO Publicity and Networking; this last handbook looks at promoting the image the CBO through newsletters, press releases, presentations and by phone then goes on to consider communication in meetings, invitations and requests, and representation outside the community.
The Fund
Unpacking globalization: a popular education tool kit
This toolkit was elaborated by the Economic Literacy Action Network (ELAN) in the USA. The aim of the toolkit is to help people strengthen their analysis of globalisation and share ideas of ways that people were struggling against globalisation internationally. The toolkit is based on a gathering held in Chicago 1998 where educational materials already created were shared and discussed, and on consequent sessions held in ELAN groups. It presents seven sessions on different subject related to globalisation, which can be used as a basis for discussion, learning and reflection, and is intended to be used in smaller groups. The sessions include exercises, questions and case studies. The toolkit first gives a brief introduction to the principles and practices of popular education and goes on to the sessions, with the following contributions: womenÆs education in the global economy, looking at how women indifferent countries and communities are tied together by the globalisation of production and markets; a global economy workshop in three parts focussing on power relations and new peopleÆs movements, and a globalisation glossary; Analysing the financial crises in Asia; Privatisation; WTO for beginners; a workbook dealing with welfare, crime, injustice and health care from a Southern perspective, including a critical thinking toolbox; a participatory workshop on womenÆs labour and economic globalisation. The toolkit is concluded with a directory to ELAN groups.
Economic Literacy Action Network
The money trail: measuring your impact on the local economy using LM3
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This is a workbook designed for people concerned about the local economy and who want to measure how different parts of the economy are working. This workbook describes LM3 measuring tool that has been tried and tested in various sectors across the UK. This workbook is a manual of how to use the tool, and is structured around four key sections: the money trail; a how-to-guide for using LM3; troubleshooting and finally taking action. The workbook concludes with some appendixes about flowcharts, surveys and data management.
New Economics Foundation
Plugging the leaks: making the most of every pound that enters your local economy
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This handbook is a guide for ordinary people to understand what is going on in their local economy so that they can be involved in decision-making. The handbook is responding to a need of residents involved in local decision-making to feel comfortable about decisions relating to the local economy. Based on work with communities in the UK, the handbook addresses local involvement in community economic decisions and looks at how local businesses can link to outside investment or strong skill bases that can benefit the wider community. The handbook is divided into four main sections: introduction; theory: understanding the local economy; preparing: a step-by-step guide to plugging the leaks; and action: co-ordinating the program, information gathering, raising awareness and ready to go. The handbook concludes with detailed appendixes about the case studies as well as some worksheets, surveys and ideas.