This report compiles the findings from four participatory poverty assessments (PPAs) undertaken for the World Bank GOV poverty report in 1998-1999 in Ho Chi Min City by Save the Children (UK); in Ha Tinh Province by Action Aid Vietnam; in Tra Vinh Province by Oxfam (UK); and in Lao Cai Province by the Vietnam Sweden Mountain Rural Development Programme (MRDP). The assessments were carried to provide a qualitative picture and understanding of poverty in different parts of the country to complement quantitative data gathered through national Living Standards Measurement Survey. Research methods included mapping, socio-economic mapping, well-being ranking, problem scoring, pair-wise ranking, trend analysis, seasonal calendars, daily time tables, household timelines, cause and effect trees, institutional ranking/mapping and institutional strengths and weaknesses analysis. The report provides a brief description of the PPA methodology, ad site selection, and goes on to present the PPA findings in five sections, exploring well-being and ill-being; vulnerability, security and coping with hardship; poor households and institutions; gender relations; and problems and priorities of poor households. A list of information sources for the four PPAs is included at the back of the document. The full text document can be found on
In this publication, Panos London sets out what it believes should be the role of communication in long-term, sustainable development. It challenges governments and all involved in policy-making and planning to listen to the views of ordinary people, to involve civil society in decision-making and to recognise the important part the media can play in debating development issues and challenging government accountability. It suggests four key areas for action by governments, NGOs, the media and international organisations, in order to realise the power and potential of information and communication.
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