The Agroecosystems of Buhi: Problems and Opportunities Authors: Conway, Gordon R. Sajise, Percy E. (eds.) 1986 Publisher University of the Philippines Laguna, Philippines http://
People's Participation: A Prerequisite for Sustainable Development in Papua New Guinea Authors: Peutalo, Basil 1992
Rapid Rural Appraisal and Community Strategic Planning Authors: Warner, Michael P. White, Leroy A. 1992 Publisher Keele University. Department of Geography Keele http://
Participación de los Recicladores en los Procesos Organizativos para el Mejoramiento de sus Condiciones de Trabajo Authors: Padilla, Amaury C. de Avila, Armando E. Salas, Beatriz D. 1997
La Planificación Participativa del Uso del Paisaje en el Contexto del Desarrollo Regional Authors: Gaviria VÚlez, Juan Guillermo 1997
La Consideración de la Participación Ciudadiana y los Factores Culturales en la Práctica de la Planificación Urbana y Territorial: Una Experiencia desde la AntropologÝa Aplicada Authors: Lopez Carranque, Carmen 1997
Looking Back, Looking Forward: Reflections on the Origins of the International Participatory Research Network and the Participatory Research Group in Toronto, Canada Authors: Hall, Budd L. 1997
Why Participatory Evaluation: A Review of an Education Project at the Prison for Women, Kingston, Ontario, Canada Authors: Belanger, Bernard 1997
Participatory Action Research on Community Management of Rural Water Supply: Experiences from Kenya, Cameroon, Nepal, Pakistan, Guatemala, Colombia Authors: Lammerink, Marc P. 1997
Farmer Participatory Research: Ghanian Farmer Experiments for Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Authors: Deshler, David Opoku-Debrah, Kwesi 1997
The Development of Action Research in China and the Adaptation of PAR to Chinese Circumstances for Rural Development / Watershed Management: Cases in China and Jiangxi Province Authors: Li, Ou 1997
Participatory Rural Appraisal and Prioritization of Problems in Pacora, Nicaragua Authors: Perez, Emilio E. 1997
Matching Participatory Agricultural Development with the Social Landscape of Northeast Brazil Authors: Sidersky, Pablo Guijt, Irene 1997