1861 - 1875 of 1885 items
Programa de Desarrollo Rural Sustentable del Distrito Federal
Grupo de Estudio Ambientales, A.C.
Participatory Development in Kenya: Lessons and Challenges Volume 1
5 Case Studies presenting an account of the experiences and challenges faced by participatory practitioners in Kenya in the health and agricultural sectors
Participatory Methodologies Forum of Kenya
Impact Assessment Framework for Community-based Natural Resource Management
Details a comprehensive community-based framework developed to assess the impact of key social, environmental, institutional and economic processes and inputs in Natural Resource Management programmes.
Books for Change
Integrated Conservation and Development
Trainer's manual for organisations involved in integrated conservation and development training and planning. Introduces fundamentals of planning, conducting, and monitoring participatory workshops, and key concepts in ICD.
World Wide Fund for Nature
Participatory Techniques for Community Forestry: A Field Manual
This manual provides a source book of ideas about participatory techniques. It begins by answering some common questions about participatory techniques and describing RRA and PRA approaches in the context of community forestry. It then provides guidelines on how to use RRA and PRA tools and methods in the field.
IUCN and World Wide Fund for Nature
Assessing damage after disasters: a participatory framework and toolkit
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From Vulnerability to Resilience: A handbook for programming design based on field experience in Nepal
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This handbook is aimed at practitioners who seek examples of how the V2R framework can be used in practice, based on examples from Nepal. It offers a step process, workbooks and tools. It includes guidance on how to include long-term trends in programming with a focus on climate change.
It is essential that organisations working on poverty reduction take into account the impact of climate change on the communities and sectors where they are working. In so doing, they will be better able to support community members and government officials to adapt to the adverse effects and take advantage of any opportunities presented. This requires a detailed analysis of the impacts of climate change at the local level in order to build adaptive capacity to withstand both sudden shocks and incremental changes in the climate. Participatory tools have been updated for use of uncovering community perceptions of changes, alongside identifying historical climate data.
Ekoi and Etem in Karamoja: a study of decision-making in a post-conflict society
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In 2013, a group of young Karimojong set out to explore land, peace and customary law in Karamoja. This book presents their finding on how decisions are made internally between Karimojong and between Karimojong and government on these subjects.
Biodiversity and culture: exploring community protocols, rights and consent
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Indigenous people and local communities (ILSs) are struggling to defend their rights over land and other resources they have traditionally used and over traditional knowledge they have developed over generations. They experience outsiders such as mining organisations being given rights without any reference to them, and receive few benefits from the commercial use of their crops or knowledge. Two righs-based tools – community protocols (CPs) and free, prior informed consent (FPIC) are being used to help claim indigenous rights and negotiate agreements in various biodiversity contexts. This issue of PLA draws on a range of experiences of using these tools, the lessons learnt and ways to maximise the benefits of their use. Some 17 articles are divided into five parts: setting the scene – research partnerships and ABS from the perspective of communities; institutional innovations for FPIC and benefit-sharing; community protocols for genetic resources and ABS; community protocols and FPIC – mining, protected areas and forest partnerships, and tips for trainers.