The Paulo Freire Reader Authors: Freire, Ana Maria; Macedo, Donaldo (Eds.) 1998 Publisher The Continuum Publishing Company New York http://
The Community Planning Handbook: How people can shape their cities, towns & villages in any part of the world Authors: Wates, Nick 2000 Publisher Earthscan Publications Ltd. London, UK
Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making Authors: Kaner, Sam 1996 Publisher New Society Publishers/Canada Gabriola Island, Canada http://
Participatory Research for improved Agroecosystem Management: Proceedings of a synthesis workshop Authors: Farley, Cary (Ed.) 1998 Publisher Network on Bean Research in Africa Kampala, Uganda http://
Methods on the move: A review of veterinary uses of participatory approaches and methods focussing on experiences in dryland Africa Authors: Catley, Andy 1999 Publisher Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods Programme, IIED London http://
Relativism in Agricultural Research and Development: Is Participation a Post-Modern Concept? Authors: Sellamna, Nour-Eddine 1999 Publisher Chameleon Press Ltd. London http://
Novas visoes sobre mudanca ambiental: abordagens participativas de monitoramento Authors: Abbot, Joanne Guijt, Irene 1999 Publisher Assessoria e servicos a projetos em agricultura alternativa (AS-PTA) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil http://
Renforcer la paricipation des paysans au developpement Authors: Nasr, Noureddine; Diop, Jean-Marie; Chahbani, Bellachheb 1997 Publisher Institut des Regions Arides El Fje, Medenine http://
Towards integrated soil fertility management in Malawi: incorporating participatory approaches in agricultural research Authors: Kanyama-Phiri, G. et al. 2000
Action and reflection: A guide for monitoring and evaluating participatory research Authors: McAllister, Karen; Vernooy, Ronnie 1999
Understanding Participation: Monitoring and evaluating process, outputs and outcomes Authors: McAllister, Karen 1999
Participatory rural Appraisals of the Farming Systems of the North of Rift Valley Province, Kenya, 1995-1997 Authors: Rees, D.J. et al. (Eds.) 1998
¿Hacia la sustentabilidad? Authors: Marielle, Catherine (ed.) 1998 Publisher Grupo de Estudio Ambientales, A.C. Coyoacan, Mexico http://