4756 - 4770 of 5258 items
The Use of Livestock-Disease Scoring by a Primary Animal-Health Project in Somaliland
An informal livestock-disease scoring technique was used to collect information on pastoralists' perceptions of animal health problems in Somaliland. The authors conclude that the technique is a useful addition to the PRA "toolkit" and could assist veterinarians to plan primary veterinary programmes in developing countries. The technique could also be used in animal health information systems for pastoral communities and , with modification, might have applications in formal livestock disease surveys.
Use of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Tools for Investigating Tick Ecology and Tick-Borne Disease in Somaliland
This paper describes the use of matrix scoring and seasonal calendars to collect data on tick ecology and tick-associated health problems of livestock in the Sanaag region of Somaliland. The potential application of these techniques is discussed.
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation: A Practical Guide to Successful ICDPS
This draft guide has been designed for use by project staff who are planning and implementing integrated conservation and development projects (ICDPs). Part One contains an introduction on monitoring and evaluation of ICDPs, an overview of a participatory approach to monitoring and evaluation, and a presentation of eight suggested steps to PM&E covering concepts, action steps, and example. Part Two contains skill-building and planning workshop activities that correspond to the eight steps in Part One. The guide includes ICDP examples on a range of issues - natural resource management, socio-economic development, institutional strengthening and policy reform - and how they are linked.