4681 - 4695 of 5258 items
Technology and Gender Needs
TOOL Consult
Assessing Sustainability: An Overview of Approach, Methods, Tools and Experience
Overview document in a series of eight complementary documents developed for people interested in assessing sustainability. This project has developed and tested methods for all three types of assessment: system assessment, self assessment and project assessment. Tools and methods are examined in detail in the individual booklets.
Participatory and Reflective Analytical Mapping for Sustainability (PRAM)
One in a series of eight complementary documents developed for people interested in assessing sustainability. PRAM is a method to help planners, field workers and researchers reflect on a system from an early stage and thereby assist in identifying priority areas for action and research. PRAM can be used to assess any region, from a village to a continent.
Questions of Survival: A Questioning Approach to Understanding Sustainable and Equitable Development
One in a series of eight complementary documents developed for people interested in assessing sustainability. This booklet describes a set of questions about people's relations with each other and the ecosystem. Its main purpose is to support self assessment, but it is also useful as an introduction to identifying changes in ecosystem and human wellbeing in system assessment.
Reflective Institutions: Eight Characteristics of Institutions that Encourage and Respond to Learning by Doing
One in a series of eight complementary documents developed for people interested in assessing sustainability. This volume is designed to help an organisation develop a capacity for reflection by clarifying its mission, analysing what makes an institution reflective, and then restructuring accordingly.
Assessing Rural Sustainability: A Companion Booklet to Planning Action for Rural Sustainability
One in a series of eight complementary documents developed for people interested in assessing sustainability. This booklet is to be used together with "Planning Action for Rural Sustainability". These two documents describe a method of system assessment for use by field teams and rural communities working together. It uses and adapts well known participatory tools for community participation.
Planning Action for Rural Sustainability: A Companion Booklet to Assessing Rural Sustainability
One in a series of eight complementary documents developed for people interested in assessing sustainability. This volume is to be used together with "Assessing Rural Sustainability". These two documents describe a method of system assessment for use by field teams and rural communities working together. It uses and adapts well known participatory tools for community participation.