This brochure presents the CIAZO Foundation for Popular Education, its methodology, and programmes. CIAZO serves as a network for local and grassroot Central American organisations. It works to coordinate training and capacity building efforts which, through popular education, are seen as contributing to community development. Since 1998, it has become the institutional centre for the 'Reflect Action/ Reflect Accion' popular education methodology. The folder contains seven leaflets entitled: "Who are we?"; A Methodological Proposal: Reflect Accion; Agro-ecology and Local Development Programme; Adult and Citizen Education and Training Programme; Basic Education and Child Development Programme; Methodological and Entrepreneurial Training Programme; and Efforts towards Self-sufficient Economies.
Rooted in his experience with a project in Costa Rica, Carlos Brenes Castillo attempts to introduce a pedagogic development process which serves to reconcile the existing tension between 'top down'and 'bottom-up' perspectives and approaches to rural development. Where the first is held and practiced by external agents and the latter by internal, or local, actors, his starting point is an exploration of the respective and interactive dynamics between rural communities and foreign development institutions. An emphasis is placed on a pedagogy which perceives the project as a process, and the importance of creating space for collective learning is highlighted. This, with the objective of realising a development process that reconciles and respects both humans and their natural environment. Chapters include: A point of departure: between them and us; The stage: a conditioning social context; Process' design and negotiation; Participatory Rural Rapid Appraisal with a gender focus; FODA: Studying a community's strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats, an analytical tool for community development; About the participatory planning process; Community consultation: a means of exercising local democracy; Proposal (?) development: a foundation for local agendas; Development plan: building partnerships (?); From external financing to economic self-sufficiency.
This book narrates participatory research and experimentation with improved seeds as well as with local germoplasm in the Sierra de Santa Marta, Veracruz, Mexico, within the scope of the practical and research works developed by Sierra de Santa Marta Project for a sustainable development strategy and community development in this region of Mexico.