151 - 165 of 698 items
Monitoring and evaluating in the Nepal-UK Community Forestry Project.
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This article describes how forest user groups have been involved in designing and adapting a monitoring and evaluation system that enables the involvement of both literate and non-literate people. The system is linked to goal development, analysis of local resources and institutions and action plan formulation.
Participatory education and grassroots development : the case of rural Appalachia
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This volume of the Gatekeeper series from the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) looks at the economic education efforts of Highlander Research and Education Centre (Tennessee, USA) in Appalachia and its role in promoting community development. It gives a background to social problems in Appalachia and describes the Highlander project. The project concentrated on three rural communities (Dungannon, Virginia; Jelico, Tennessee; and Ivanhoe, Virginia) and was oriented towards helping communities gain knowledge necessary for local development. Community groups were offered technical and educational support for grassroots economic leadership development through a participatory process where the community could assess their own situation, and define and implement strategies for themselves. Part of the participatory methodology were oral history, community surveys, community mapping and drawings, decision-maker interviews, videos and readings, brainstorming and feasibility studies, and cultural components. Finally the outcomes of the project are examined.
International Institute for Environment and Development
All together now : community participation for children and young people.
In spite of children and young people being involved in many aspects of community life, social policy in the UK often neglects their interests. This book argues that contrary to conventional adult wisdom children and young people are competent to take part in collective decision making and that it is essential that they do so. Practical examples from Save the Children's work are provided to show ways in which children and young people can be encouraged to participate and have a real say in how things are done.
Save the Children
Impacts and institutions, partners and principles : third review of the development and use of Participatory Rural Appraisal and planning by Redd Barna, Uganda.
In 1994 Redd Barna Uganda started developing an approach to community-based planning using PRA (PRAP) that placed children and their issues at the centre of the planning process and that also aimed to recognise differences within communities. This report is based on discussions involving project staff, members of three partner organisations and villagers from seven communities. The discussion reflected on the PRAP process to examine which aspects were proving beneficial and for whom and those that were proving problematic with an aim of identifying areas for improvement.
Strategies for scaling up the work are also examined and prospects for encouraging more community based monitoring of the PRAP process as a strategy for strengthening impact.
Global Lessons : South Korean education reform
The video "draws out the key lessons of education reform in South Korea. The education system helped the nation achieve economic growth and make great strides in alleviating poverty. It is useful in training sessions with policymakers worldwide."
Letters from Yasmin
The video "examines the work of an NGO and its cooperation with the government of Balochistan, Pakistan. It identifies the steps taken by the NGO and the successes which benefited thousands of girls in Balochistan. The story is told through the eyes of one female teacher.
Technology : quality in the classroom
This "short video is to be used in training seminars to generate dicussion on the different technologies used in distance education. The video outlines three case studies - one in Mexico, South Africa and Chile which use television, interactive radio instruction and computers as teaching tools to improve the quality of basic education."
Two Way PLA
This video "portrays the experiences of an international workshop on Participatory Learning Approaches (PLA) which brought a group of African experts into a Gambian village to learn from the villagers. They did. They also discovered the realities of village life for girls when they stumbled on a massive program of female circumcision."
REFLECT for children : use of participatory rural appraisal strategies in the education of primary-aged children.
PRA and in particular REFLECT methods, can be used to make 'children's participation' a reality. This paper provides practical ideas on how PRA methods can recognise children as active participants in development and provide children with self-confidence. Additionally, the author argues for PRA as a lobbying tool for making formal primary schools more child centred and also for enabling parent involvement in school management.