436 - 450 of 502 items
Strengthening Participation in Local Governance: Report of the Workshop, 21 - 24 June 1999
Institute of Development Studies
Popular Participation in Bolivia
Report on the the results of implementation of Bolivia's Population Participation Law in 1995. Discovers that although municipal councils are functioning, rural population are effectively excluded, and that village social organisation is incompatible with the Law's reliance on western representative democratic models.
Centre for Development Research
Empowerment: a journey not a destination
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Time to Listen: hearing people on the receiving end of international aid
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Work with us: how people and organisations can catalyse sustainable change
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The main focus of this report is to understand how positive change can happen from the perspectives of people living in greatest poverty and marginalisation and what can be done to promote this change. It is based on findings from participatory research, conducted by the Participate Participatory Research Group (PRG), that was undertaken by grassroots organisations, activists and citizens in 29 countries across the world. The views, stories, and experiences of the participants were collected and shared through diverse mediums including participatory film-making, digital storytelling, public forums, public theatre and art.
The report highlights how the poorest and most marginalised communities' experience of poverty is multidimensional, often characterised by low incomes, insecure livelihoods, limited or no assets, harsh living environments, violence and environmental degradation. These factors combine with multiple and interconnected inequalities, and close down the opportunities that people have to change their situation themselves. Most of all this research showed the depth of insight and intelligence of people who face extremely difficult circumstances and is a call to pay attention to what this ability offers to those who seek to promote development.
The report's authors argue that development should focus on the very poorest and work with them to make the decisions that matter most in their lives. The research shows that development interventions are targeted at those who are easiest to reach. They are often based on strong assumptions about the experiences of the poorest, rather than a real understanding of how they experience poverty and inequality. The results of this research will contribute ongoing international discussions about a new set of poverty reduction and environmental sustainability targets to replace the current Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015.
Ekoi and Etem in Karamoja: a study of decision-making in a post-conflict society
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In 2013, a group of young Karimojong set out to explore land, peace and customary law in Karamoja. This book presents their finding on how decisions are made internally between Karimojong and between Karimojong and government on these subjects.
Empowering Young People: the final report of the Carnegie young people initiative
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This report is about the Carnegie UK Trust’s youth programme - The Carnegie Young People Initiative (CYPI) which ran between 1996 and 2007. Dedicated to promoting young people’s voices in decision-making, the Carnegie Foundation acted so as influence public policy and awareness, work collaboratively with multiple sectors, and to be a catalyst for change. Much of this report is concerned with the translation of policy commitments into sound practice on the ground. It charts the lessons learned as well as presenting ideas for further action targeted at government and others