Participatory rural appraisal: methods and applications in rural planning: essays in honour of Robert Chambers Download available Authors: Mukherjee, Amitava 2004 Publisher Concept New Delhi http://
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in East and Southern Africa: An Empirical Analysis of Current Initiatives and Review of the Literature Authors: Hinchcliffe, Fiona Thompson, John Pretty, Jules N. 1996 Publisher International Institute for Environment and Development London, UK
Participatory Agricultural Extension: Experiences form West Africa Authors: Osborn, Tom 1995 Publisher IIED. Sustainable Agriculture Programme London http://
Herders' Decision-Making in Natural Resources Management Authors: Niamir, Maryam 1990 Publisher FAO Rome
Whose Eden? An Overview of Community Approaches to Wildlife Management Authors: IIED 1994 Publisher International Institute for Environment and Development London, UK
Living with Wildlife: Wildlife Resource Management with Local Participation in Africa Authors: Kiss, Agnes (ed.) 1990 Publisher The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development|The World Bank Washington, D.C. http://
Sharing the Land: Wildlife, People and Development in Africa Authors: Makombe, Kudzai (ed.) 1993 Publisher IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) Harare, Zimbabwe http://
Living with Uncertainty: New Directions for Pastoral Development in Africa Authors: Scoones, Ian 1994 Publisher IIED. Drylands Programme London http://
Planning with Pastoralists: PRA and More. A Review of the Methods Focused on Africa Authors: Waters-Bayer, Ann Bayer, Wolfgang 1994 Publisher Deutsche Gesellschaft f³r Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) G÷ttingen http://
What Has AIDS to Do with Agriculture? Authors: Haslwimmer, Martina 1994 Publisher FAO Rome
Beyond Farmer First: Rural People's Knowledge, Agricultural Research and Extension Practice Authors: Scoones, Ian Thompson, John (eds.) Chambers, Robert (foreword) 1994 Publisher Intermediate Technology Publications London, UK
The Organisation of Small-Scale Tree Nurseries: Studies from Asia, Africa and Latin America Authors: Shanks, Edwin Carter, Jane 1994 Publisher ODI London, UK
The SADCC Countries' Historical Experience of Soil Conservation and People's Participation in It: Some Lessons for Future Policy Authors: Blaikie, Peter
African Biodiversity: Foundation for the Future. A Framework for Integrating Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development 1993 Publisher Biodiversity Support Program Washington, USA http://
Indigenous Approaches to Rural Development: The Agrarian Populist Tradition in West Africa Authors: Richards, Paul