Citizen participation in challenging contexts: Logolink 10 years, 10 countries, 10 organisations
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This guide shows how self-administrable tools can be used to assess community mobilisation of any community-based organisation (CBO). The book can help CBOs assess their own performance, plan their future strategies and monitor themselves.
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This paper describes an approach to action research used by a group of young people in Karamoja, Uganda. With guidance from experienced facilitators, 13 young people researched the situation of youth in their area over a period of 5 weeks in November/December 2011. The basic principles used are set out in this paper. Genuine attempts were made to promote people’s research into their own issues on their own terms. This included asking questions such as who commissions and pays, how pressed everyone is for resources and time, and how ordinary people – who are not supposed to know how to do research – might suddenly take up the task with confidence and make use of facilitators without being dominated by them. The paper emphasises the importance of rigour in action research which can appear relaxed but actually is not: it needs to be done carefully and stick to its principles like glue. The findings of the research are published in a longer report “Strength, Creativity and Livelihoods of Karimojong Youth” which should be read alongside this paper.
Mapping Memories is a book/DVD of first-person narratives by youth with refugee experiences. It explores the practical and ethical issues of launching participatory media projects around sensitive issues, and offers practical insights on using digital storytelling, mapping, video, photovoice, soundscapes, and oral history. It also explores the power of using personal stories to inspire audiences, counter biases, and build understanding in classrooms and communities. There is more information at the Mapping Memories website at
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This handbook is aimed at practitioners who seek examples of how the V2R framework can be used in practice, based on examples from Nepal. It offers a step process, workbooks and tools. It includes guidance on how to include long-term trends in programming with a focus on climate change.
It is essential that organisations working on poverty reduction take into account the impact of climate change on the communities and sectors where they are working. In so doing, they will be better able to support community members and government officials to adapt to the adverse effects and take advantage of any opportunities presented. This requires a detailed analysis of the impacts of climate change at the local level in order to build adaptive capacity to withstand both sudden shocks and incremental changes in the climate. Participatory tools have been updated for use of uncovering community perceptions of changes, alongside identifying historical climate data.
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This article is the result of a review of the impact and effectiveness of Transparency and Accountability Initiatives (TAIs). These TAIs have taken democratisation, governance, aid and development circles by storm since the turn of the century – and many people are keen to better understand what they are achieving. The review was based on the extensive gathering and analysis of both literature and documentation, and provided conclusions and recommendations for improvements. This article, as well as giving a background to social accountability and TAIs, summarises both what, and how methodologically, we know about their effectiveness and impact. It also pinpoints the factors that determine impact and concludes with a look at gaps in current knowledge and practice and recommendations for addressing these.
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